Klimburg-Witjes, N., Pöchhacker, N., Bowker GC. (eds). (2021) Sensing In/Security. Sensors and the Making of Transnational Security Infrastructures. Mattering Press: Manchester, UK
It has been some time since the last entry here. The last two years were rather busy – and this kinda unplanned end-of-the-world scenario did for sure not help. However, we have not been idle in this time. Apart from finishing my PhD, and starting two new positions during the pandemic, we also managed to publish our book Sensing In/Security. So I finally got a few moments to tell you: it is out!
The book investigates how sensors and sensing practices enact regimes of security and insecurity. It extends long-standing concerns with infrastructuring to emergent modes of surveillance and control by exploring how digitally networked sensors shape securitisation practices – and vice versa.
It has really been a pleasure working with all the contributors to this edited volume and my co-editors Nina Klimburg-Witjes and Geoffrey Bowker. And also many thanks to the great people at mattering press, who even organized a book launch party at the last EASST conference in Madrid.
If you want to get a copy or download the open access version, you can do so here.